Tuesday 1 November 2011

Back to London

First of all I thought of London as a whole- how much boundaries it has within itself. London as a whole separating from suburbs, with its own mapped zones within the cities. Then there is boroughs. In boroughs there is postal areas. Each of those areas usually serve only depenting on their post code or county. Depending on borough or your postal area, border markers, street markers, even rubbish bins is in different colour. Although very slight, there is a borders and you can feel them, when it comes to practicality.
Now in terms of cities' differences. As an example, if you want to rent a flat, first you chose your area of search. You chose between boroughs, then between cities. Even then you create mental borders between good and bad. If you got a choice of Peckham and Waterloo at similar price but very small room in comparison to a big one in Peckham- probably you still would chose the tiny room in Waterloo and miss a great place in Pecham just because of stereotypes of the area. Maybe a little over the top example but I really believe this is happening very slowly, where high social and economical level areas is slowly overtaken by people migrating from lower areas.

Inspired by Rem Koolhaas work and reasons why there was wall built in Berlin, it still makes me wonder what would happen if there would be physical walls as a boundaries preventing migration between cities? 

Here I tried to deconstruct map into obvious borders dividing the city.

I thought of areas that I would like to consider looking at. My target is to find highly diferring cities in the same borough or areas that clashes with each other. Greenwich+ Deptford? Heritage areas + council housing areas and similar?

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